Mabe snap a shot of the driver seat. First thing we came in the cab she was like "uuhh the driver is on the left side??'' Sg driver seat is on the right side so seeing this is kinda weird for her...ohh you can see the T-Money reader there too in between the front seats. Same like sg huh where u can pay taxi with ez-link too. Hmm..i wonder which country started this multi transportation card thing or korea?
So off we go to our hotel..we gave the address of our hotel to the driver but he still ask for the hotel contact number so that he can know the exact location..hmm i thought korean taxi have GPS navigation, or maybe Korea is big so its a must to be certain of the address. And he doesn't even have to on the you can see the window is rolled down. The outside wind IS the aircon. Shiok i tell you..super cooling and refreshing. As the taxi speed thru the roads cold wind juz breeze furiously into the cab..natural wind..even better than aircon.

If you look closely, you can actually see a speedboat being towed by a vehicle. And its moving very fast in the highway. First time i see that.

As soon as he verify the addres with our hotel receptionist..he keyed it into the navigation
A windmill generating power..
The whole journey to the hotel was super long. We were caught in traffic jam everywhere. The driver told us that its peak hrs, people knocking off from work so the road would be very jam. So he tried other alternative way to avoid the jam. Along the way me and Mabe fell aslp but i woke up just in time to know that we were almost reaching. And in total it took almost an hr and a half to reach the hotel. Cab fare was a flat fixed rate costing 55,000won and 10,000won pick up service. Considering time, tiredness and the heavy was worth it.

Finally reached our hotel. An old man open the door for us and we went to the reception counter and were greeted by a young bespectacled korean girl. She spoke english not fluent but understandable..we gave her our passport and the printed email of our hotel booking for verification. Then she gave us a card to access the entrance door of the building which we had to pay a deposit of 10,000won for it.
After that she brought us up to our room to show us how to unlock our room door with a security passcode. Then i decided for the first time to use my as she done showing us i said to her ''kamsahamnida..'' and she replied with a very long winded ''Neeeeeeeh''.
Here's how unlocking the door looks like..kinda cool, don't have this in sg, somemore the brand is Samsung a Korean company btw. In korea almost all the housing door there use this kind of electronic number lock.
As soon as we enter the room it was freezing...i open my luggage and quickly put one more layer of jacket. It was so cold we were trying to find some kind of heat there i am looking under the sink trying to figure out how to activate the underground heating system..its actualy pipes that runs under the floor so all you have to do is make sure hot water runs thru the pipes and it will heat up the floor in awhile.
Another alternative to heat myself running water from the sink..
Thats how cold i am haha..ohh the matress is kinda hard but it has its own heating system too which i found i plug it in and turn the heating power to maximum,jumped on the bed cover myself with the blanket. A minute later i can feel the heat from within the matress ahhh shiokness i tell technology. I didn't even know got such thing exist. So after settling down we wash up and change, we decided to take a walk arnd the street.
We went arnd the was cold..i tink temperature was arnd 17 degrees. I had 3 layers of clothing on with 2 layers of socks. We went to 7-11 to get some snack and drinks then continued walking again.
Mabe saw this in a nearby convenience shop..she says korean strawberries are the best so she bought it..well it tasted kinda sour but okay.
Our plan was to go out and start visiting places but after feeling tired from the journey we decide to start afresh the next day.
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