Day 2...woke up early in the morning feeling cold, temperature arnd 21 degrees, but i slept pretty well..thanks to the heat bed. Today's plan was Namsan Park, Cable car, Teddy Bear Museum and Myeongdong.

Snap a few pics from the corridor of our hotel room before we took the lift down. (our room is on the 2nd level). A small park opposite our hotel. First thing we set out, find our way to the nearest train station..Daerim Station that is.

So this is our route from the hotel to Daerim Station. Back in sg walking this kind of distance would make you sweat easily. Over there the weather was sweat at loving spring already.
So after following the map on my Google Map apps..found it..저기다(jeo-gi-ta)!!!
A green bus and a bus stop. I read somewhere that they have busses with different colours, each catering to different areas and regions..hmm not sure where though.
The staircase leading up to Daerim Station
It says : Dae-Rim (Gu-ro-gu-cheong)
Daerim Station bridge
We found the ticketing machine. The BLUE machine in the middle is the T-Money card dispenser machine. The menu is available in english, it cost 3,000Won for one card, which is the deposit for the card non-refundable if im not wrong. Then you have to go to the SILVER machine where the woman is standing at. Thats the card reloading machine. English available juz reload your card to any amount you see on the screen. Mabe load 20,000Won (reasonable amount) while i load 50,000Won which is too much but no choice as the machine won't eat my 10,000Won. Damn you machine!! you need ''Cal''!!.
So this is what the T-Money card looks like..nice right.
The back of the card..ohh ya when you buy this card from the machine it actually comes in a box. Inside the box are discount coupons for attractions. Made specially for tourist.
So thats the gate..same like sg, juz tap your card and push the spinning bar to go in.
If you look on the right there's this man with white glove and something blue across his suits..i think he's some kind of guide for the station, help those people who don't know which way to go. So while me and Mabe was trying to figure out how to use the machine..i saw that he was talking to 2 old couple which looks like they needed help, then he was giving us this scary ''i kill you'' stare haha...only then i realize he wanted to show the old couple how to buy a i told Mabe ''eh we give them buy first ah..the uncle giving us stupid face ah''. Very unfriendly ajeossi (uncle), help koreans but never help tourist.
Found the right platform to go to..
With the help of my Jihachul this is our route.
What the platform looks like..they also have glass panel for commuters can even bring your bicycle into the not the foldable ones..full size bicycle!! I swear i saw cyclist carrying their mountain bikes up the platform.
A nice view of the city from the station window..i love the background view of the different height of buildings..예쁘다!!
Mabe shot this one..a driver dusting his bus.
Me and my back pack filled with supplies, drinks, xtra jackets, portable chargers (a must to bring) and camera...and some space left for shopping goodies later on in the day.
Mabe was like Pororo! Pororo!...Haroro! Haroro..she thinks of Haha when she saw this.
So the train came a few minutes later..they have announcement in english, also the LED sign on top of the glass door displays in english, japanese and chinese.
So here we go our first time in a Korean subway train.Our stop..Myeongdong, 10 station away.
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